ORANGE LEAGUE – November 10th 2018 – RESULTS
Garnier 6* v Boyd 6 Sugden 5 v Dunn 4 Farnell 6 v Rees 6* Dunn 7 v Farnell 2 Rees 6 v Garnier 5 Boyd 2 v Sugden 9…
PINK LEAGUE – November 5th 2018 – RESULTS
Bunting/Manning/Hole 5 v Gaggero/Miles/Baker 4 Sprunt/Harris/Kiggell 2 v Hatch/Francis/Greenwood 3 Please visit the Pink League page for more details, scores, and standings!
GREEN LEAGUE – November 6th 2018 – RESULTS
Farnell 20 v Dunn 2 Rees 7 v Lea 5 Burman 3 v White 10 Please visit the Green League page for more details, scores, and standings!
RED LEAGUE – October 30th 2018 – RESULTS
Farnell 10 v Boyd 1 Sugden 8 v Dunn 6 Rees 4 v Brown 5 Please visit the Red League page for more details, scores, and standings!
GREEN LEAGUE – October 23rd 2018 – RESULTS
Burman 14 v Lea 2 Rees 8 v Dunn 3 Farnell 6 v Boyd 2 Please visit the Green League page for more details, scores, and standings!
RED LEAGUE – October 16th 2018 – RESULTS
Rees 9 v Sugden 2 Farnell 3 v Brown 12 Dunn 8 v Boyd 5 Please visit the Red League page for more details, scores, and standings!
GREEN LEAGUE – October 9th 2018 – RESULTS
Rees 6 v Boyd 4 Burman 2 v Dunn 11 Lea 3 v White 16 Please visit the Green League page for more details, scores, and standings!
4th Annual Kent & Sussex Bonspiel
Registration for the 4th annual Kent & Sussex Bonspiel is now open! Our flagship bonspiel returns this November 23rd, 24th, and 25th. To sign up, please visit this link: 2018…
SECC Leagues 2018/2019
REGISTRATION FOR OUR 2018/2019 LEAGUES IS NOW OPEN! To register for one of our leagues, please visit this link: 2018-2019 SECC Membership Form & League Registration Early bird prices are…
Blue Winner (Dunn) 5 v Green Winner (Farnell) 1 Red Winner (Barker) 6 v Yellow Winner (Dunn) 2 Bronze Medal Game: Farnell 3 v Dunn 1 Gold Medal Game: Barker…
Rees 2 v Brown 9 Dunn 10 v Braden 1 Boyd 7 v Gordon 9 Congratulations to Team Dunn who have won the Yellow League and advance to the April…